Responsibilities and Duties:
Adjunct Faculty members are expected to be loyal to Dallas Baptist University and professional in the discharge of their duties. Although not all-encompassing the following designates basic responsibilities which the adjunct faculty members should perform:
- Dallas Baptist University is a teaching university. As a student centered university, serving students is the ultimate purpose of the adjunct faculty. Every adjunct faculty member, therefore, should see their role as a ministry to the student, challenging and encouraging them in their Christian walk.
- Adjunct faculty members should be acquainted with the Academic Calendar for the academic year as published on Blackboard in the Center for Teaching Excellence. Work should be planned and conducted in conformity with this calendar.
- Each adjunct faculty member will develop appropriate course syllabi, under the guidance of the college/ school/ program from which the course originates. Each faculty member will develop appropriate course syllabi in Concourse located in Blackboard. Syllabi should be loaded 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester. Syllabus will be made available to students two weeks before the first class day. On the first day of class for the semester for a particular course the syllabus should be reviewed.
- Dallas Baptist University places the highest priority on excellence in teaching in the classroom. Modeling for students a high regard for scholarship, the adjunct faculty member should evidence expertise in the discipline and in a variety of methods of instruction.
- The integration of faith and learning throughout the course development should prepare students for their respective callings.
- Instructional techniques and policies employed by adjunct faculty members will be in accord with the purpose of DBU, as reflected in its mission statement and will be appropriate to the specific goals of the classes.
- Each class period will provide a meaningful Christian setting for spiritual growth of both students and teacher through prayer and/ or Bible devotion.
- Adjunct faculty members are required to meet classes at appointed times and for specified contact hours.
- No adjunct faculty member shall be absent from class without first conferring with the Dean of the college/ school/ or program.
- An adjunct faculty member will notify the dean/ department chairperson as soon as possible if an emergency prevents a scheduled class from being met.
- Each adjunct faculty member will participate annually in various forms of professional development sponsored by the University.
- Adjunct faculty members are expected to reflect conduct which is Christian. High standards of professional conduct are expected of adjunct faculty members in their relation with colleagues, administrative officials, Board of Trustees, students, and the public in general.
- Adjunct faculty members should exercise mature judgment in personal relationships with students. Adjunct faculty members should not be romantically involved with current DBU students.
- It is the policy of Dallas Baptist University that no member of the University community may sexually harass another. Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964. Any faculty, staff, or student will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy.
- Each adjunct faculty member should include appropriate procedures for student contact in his/ her course syllabus.
- Adjunct faculty must use their DBU issued email accounts. Personal email accounts should not be used to conduct university business under any circumstance.
- Adjunct faculty will follow stated procedures and meet identified deadlines when carrying out requested reporting responsibilities such as grade reporting, periodic student progress reports, accreditation reports, attendance verification and other reports as designated by the President or Provost.
- Adjunct faculty are assigned to teach during a term by term basis depending on the need of the college/ school/ or program for the particular term. However, in no case should an adjunct faculty member teach more than 12 credit hours of classes in one year.
- Dean/ Director of the College/ School or Program within which the faculty member teaches
Must be a Christian who is a member of a church that holds Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior, and who holds solely the Old Testament and the New Testament as sacred Scriptures.
Baccalaureate Degree: Must have completed at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline and hold at least a master's degree or hold the minimum of a master's degree with a major in the teaching discipline.
Graduate Degree: Must hold the terminal degree, usually the earned doctorate, in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.